Submitted by SamCERT Admin on Thu, 23/03/2023 - 12:01


APT’s objective is to foster the development of telecommunications and ICT in the Asia Pacific region. “Capacity building and HRD” has been established as one of Key Work Areas of APT in the “Strategic Plan of the APT”. KDDI Foundation hosted a Cyber Security Technologies – Trend of Risks in the latest and its Countermeasures training course in Tokyo on 13th – 17th February 2023. The increase of the broadband services, and IoT deployment threats and risks over the Internet, such as computer virus, phishing, bots and SPAM have become a serious concern.

This training course is to support trainees from 15 countries to obtain knowledge of cybersecurity, which is becoming more important for broadband communications and IoT deployment. It is also introduce the cybersecurity approach of telecommunications carrier for securing network security and anti-SPAM measures, understand various methods of attacks and detect attacks made on security vulnerabilities, consider risk elimination measures in their organization. MCIT selected Ms. Fonoti Sakuma (Principal Cyber Emergency Awareness and Engagement ) as a representative from SamCERT Division to attend to this training course that was held in Tokyo.

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